Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica
Universidade de Brasília

Our postgraduate program in Botany has three main lines of research:
1) Taxonomic, Evolutionary and Phytogeographic Botany: Morphoanatomical, taxonomic, phylogenetic and phytogeographic studies. Studies on plant diversity patterns at multiple scales, biological interactions, ecology and evolution of plant species.
2) Structural and Functional Botany: Studies of plant organs and tissues and the interrelationships between structure and function at different levels of biological organization. Functioning of organisms and their interactions with the environment.
3) Applied and Biotechnological Botany: Studies and development of biotechnologies based on basic knowledge of flora. The relationship between the use of species and society. Management and sustainable use of flora.
List of professors/researchers guiding the program and the lines of research in which each one works:
Augusto Cesar Franco - 2
Carolyn Elinore Barnes Proença - 1
Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz - 1,3
Christopher William Fagg - 1,3
Cristiane da Silva Ferreira - 2
Daniela Cristina Zappi - 1
Fabian Borghetti - 2
Helder Nagai Consolaro - 1
Jonny EversonScherwinski Pereira - 3
José Francisco Montenegro Valls - 1,3
Marcelo Fragomeni Simon - 1
Marcos José da Silva - 1,2
Micheline Carvalho Silva - 1,3
Paulo Eduardo A. Saraiva Camara - 1
Regina Celia de Oliveira - 1,3
Sueli Maria Gomes - 1,2,3
Taciana Barbosa Cavalcanti - 1
Thiago José de Carvalho André - 1,2