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Plant Anatomy Laboratory - ANATOVEG


Location: UnB Biology Institute, Block D, 2nd floor

Responsible: Prof. Dr. Julia Sonsin Oliveira


The Plant Anatomy Laboratory (ANATOVEG) provides excellent infrastructure and support for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, as well as for research, which mainly deals with Cerrado plants. The team of professors offers mandatory and optional subjects for the Agronomy, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences and Forestry Engineering courses. They also guide fellows, interns and undergraduate and postgraduate students.


ANATOVEG offers training in plant microtechniques, for studies on the internal structure of plants, including the location of compounds in plant tissues (histochemistry). The preparation of the histological slides is carried out using fresh cuts using a Ranvier microtome or using historresin or paraffin embedding techniques, with sectioning using a rotating microtome. In collaboration with the UnB Electron Microscopy Laboratory, ANATOVEG masters techniques for preparing plant material for observation under a transmission and scanning electron microscope, carrying out work in the following areas: immunocytochemistry for identification of cellular components through electron and fluorescence microscopy and confocal, as well as subcellular localization of proteins and in situ hybridization of nucleic acids.


The ANATOVEG Didactic Laminate Library has a collection of more than 11,000 permanent slides, referring to vegetative and reproductive organs of native and introduced species, including cultivated plants. Additionally, the laboratory has a representative collection of wood veneers from native species. Its xylotheque (UBw - acronym according to Thiers, continuously updated) is a collection that consists of around 600 specimens predominantly of native Brazilian wood.


Research lines:


  • Ecological and comparative anatomy

  • Anatomy applied to Taxonomy

  • Immunocytochemistry – fluorescence and confocal microscopy

  • Monocot anatomy

  • Cerrado plant tissue culture

  • Micropropagation of native Cerrado species

  • Floral ontogenesis

  • Agronomic applications of Anatomia: study of grafting, relationships with phytopathogens and phytoparasites

  • Anatomy of Wood, focused on identification


Team of Researchers:


  • Prof. Dr. Julia Sonsin Oliveira

  • Prof. Dr. Sueli Maria Gomes

  • Prof. Dr. Lúcio Flávio de Alencar Figueiredo


Laboratory technique:

  • Flávia Regina da Silva


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